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Showing posts from 2008

My First Blog

Hi All, This is my first blog. I had been hearing about blogs from long.I thought this would be interesting as well as very strong means of expressing your views, positive or negative. And now I am also into it. Really very nice experience so far. Your mind is just ocean of views, but you have to dive into it, and find out the pearls in the shells deep inside it.A very good platform to showcase your ideas in whatever form it comes. You can admire, criticize, or do anything you want.Who cares, it's your views. You are the one who think that your views are precious and it should not be allowed to let it go like this. It has values which when criticised or admired will grow as the time passes. So, friends this is the time to value your ideas and blog than to let it go.The views are your identity.They tell a lot about you.The real you comes out of it. So, BLOG BLOG and BLOG